Friday, September 6, 2013


Still not feeling well, plus the husband is a complete pain in the ass this last two weeks. He at least asked me how my day went for the first time in years yesterday, and he went to the store with me and the wife to shop for our werepup today. Zef is a very spoiled baby, but as I don't have a real baby to spoil he will have to do. He needed a sling to go to a horror convention tomorrow that was spookier and matched my dress. He is gonna get all the love tomorrow. Here look how cute he is, All thanks to his Papi for buying him new stuff :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I am sick! In a not good way... I'm still hoping its mostly allergies but the sheer volume of snot that has emanated from my nasal orifices today is astronomical. And so there is no sexy happening today, unless you are one of those super freaks that thinks snot is hot...and if you are, I am judging you right now.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

 I have a special talent of sorts, sometimes I wish it was controllable, but I am an uncontrollable squirter. I soak through stacks of towels in no time. I shoot across the room sometimes, other times it just pours like a faucet. My wife really likes it so it's not as awful as it could be. She likes it when I soak her head to toe. As long as the bed stays dry lol. The best affordable way I have found to keep the bed dry is to buy washable hospital pads like these I made them pretty and also feel drier to the touch by encasing them in pretty fleece fabrics. I even made some for some special friends for holiday gifts a few years ago and I think they liked them. Sometimes you can find them in bulk on ebay and pick up enough to last through a week for super cheap, but unless you soak as bad as I do you might only need two lol

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Inspiration and Fantasies

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